11 September 2010

The right is still wrong

All right, enough liberal self-flagellation. There's an election battle to fight, and the stakes are high.

The Saturday Afternoon Post blog has an excellent posting up which presents a point-by-point overview of why the right wing in this country is still unfit to hold power, with specifics for each point. It's in the form of a series of questions aimed at rightists, but of course they're neither expected nor likely to respond. The real value of it is as a reminder of what a major transfer of power to the Republicans right now would mean, and as a focused set of debate points when talking, not only with reasonable conservatives, but with those all-too-numerous liberals who find the Democratic party unworthy of support because it has disappointed them in various ways since taking power.

Everything is there: the systematic obstructionism, the lying, the hypocritical moralism, the too-selective fixation on the deficit, the "pro-life" incoherence, the paranoia, the policies that would benefit the richest and most powerful at the expense of everyone else, the flirtations with atavistic bigotry, the lack of a program to address real problems.

The Democrats have certainly disappointed me in some ways. But the simple fact is, there are only two options on the table, and one of them is far worse than the other.


Blogger Sue said...

If only the righties would open their minds and read about their party of good-for-nothings! I don't think they even care that their party will destroy what progress we have made, all they care about is getting rid of liberal control. Infidel I will refrain from calling them f**k*rs, I'll do that on my blog!

11 September, 2010 16:46  
Blogger Leslie Parsley said...

Both articles are truly excellent.

"The Democrats have certainly disappointed me in some ways. But the simple fact is, there are only two options on the table, and one of them is far worse than the other."

As I'm sure you're already aware, I completely agree with this. Constructive criticism is one thing but this constant harping and whining serves no purpose other than spreading poison. I don't understand why people can't see that we have a serious battle on our hands and we have to come together in order to keep these insane people from gaining control once again. The stakes are just too high for all this petty nitpicking.

I'd like to provide links from my blog to yours and to Jack's. They're both just so excellent.

11 September, 2010 16:49  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Jack Jodell's posting deserves to be read far and wide, and I'd encourage everyone to link to it directly.

but this constant harping and whining serves no purpose other than spreading poison.

I was referring to this kind of thing. There is far too much of it around, and the people who are spreading it refuse to recognize that they are objectively helping the Republicans.

11 September, 2010 18:16  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

I will refrain from calling them f**k*rs,

Just don't call then w*nk*rs -- Christine O'Donnell wouldn't approve.

11 September, 2010 18:32  
Blogger Leslie Parsley said...

I saw the MM piece and read the comments. I just feel enormous sadness. A lot of naivete there and, I hate to say it, total ignorance of the political process. Yes, it makes me very sad.

11 September, 2010 19:38  
Anonymous Ahab said...

And it's only going to get worse. The deep rifts between Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives have only grown deeper.

I too feel ambivalent about the two parties, but I see the Democrats as less harmful and would rather see them in power than right-wing Republicans.

11 September, 2010 19:48  
Anonymous Tim said...

It's time to gather our troops as they like to say. The stakes are to high. Another 10 years of those bastards, there won't be anything left.

12 September, 2010 16:00  
Anonymous Righty said...

Reasons we didn't want the leftists in office:

"Everything is there: the systematic obstructionism, the lying, the hypocritical moralism, the too-selective fixation on the deficit, the "pro-life" incoherence, the paranoia, the policies that would benefit the richest and most powerful at the expense of everyone else, the flirtations with atavistic bigotry, the lack of a program to address real problems."

And it is STILL there. I agree that those on the right are unfit to hold power. That said they would by far be the lesser of the two very evil options.

I agree that things just seem to be getting worse. On both sides of the aisle. Unfortunately I don't know of any fixes for it short of ousting every politician currently in office and getting some people in who really believe in our country and what it was meant to be. That of course would be considered treason. Something I find highly ironic. That an armed revolution to return our country to its roots would be treason is the height of irony in a country that was founded in just such a fashion but here we are.

12 September, 2010 21:57  
Blogger Jack Jodell said...

Infidel 753,
I thank you very kindly for the most humbling and flattering mention you gave to my "questions" post, both in your post this day and in these comments. I urge you, too, to keep up the good work, and blog on, brother!

13 September, 2010 20:30  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Thanks Jack! Your post seems to have made a strong impression on quite a lot of people.

TNLib & Tim, unfortunately some of the radical left-wingers have a willful blindness about the likely consequences of withholding support. No matter how much one is disappointed in Obama and the Democratic Congress, Palin and a Republican Congress would be disastrously worse -- and a major electoral defeat would push the Democratic party closer to the political center, not out further to the left.

If the Nader fiasco in 2000 didn't bring these people to their senses, it's hard to see what will.

Ahab: The divide will not be reduced until the moderate conservatives rein in their own crazies. That will only happen after the Republicans suffer another major defeat, which this year is obviously not going to provide.

14 September, 2010 02:14  

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